Friday, April 6, 2007

Where milk really comes from!

Yesterday, a few of us triplet moms took the kids to Anderson Dairy. It's our local dairy, if you can really even have a dairy in the middle of the desert. Anyways, the kids all loved it. They had a talking cow named Calci (as in Calci-um), a talking rooster, talking chickens, a talking owl, and a talking dog named Buddy. They told the story how milk is made and stuff and then we walked around the dairy seeing the different packing plants and processing stations for the different things they make. The kids all loved it and then at the end they got free ice cream, and that was the highlight of the whole tour. It was really neat to meet up with Michele, Misti, & Laraine. We really need to do it more often. Above are some random pics of our fun!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I know where milk comes from, Mommy!

Yesterday, Davis, Parker, Evan, & I were driving home from the carwash. We were discussing what we were going to do this week since its just the 4 of us during the day (Anthony went to see his grandparents in CA and Molly is in Spring Camp.). I told them that on Thursday we are going to the dairy to see where milk comes from and how it gets to our house. Evan, who mind you has mild cerebal palsy and is delayed, blurts out that he knows where milk comes from. He said to me, "Mommy, I know where to get milk from the cow. You get the bucket, and I get the milk from the cow's peepee's!" OMG!!!! I died was hysterical. He was so serious about it. Guess, he is in for a rude awakening on Thursday. Here is a cute pic of him from last week. :)

P.S. If any of you want to go to the dairy with me at The tour is scheduled for Thursday, April 5 @2:15pm at Anderson Dairy. It was the only available time.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

New Exhibit at the Zoo...

Yes, we took the kids to the zoo, and I am pretty sure the other patrons there thought my lovely children were some part of the zoo. A special hybrid monkey/homosapian child species. We get there and they are all over the place, and we havent even made it to the ticket booth. It was there element...Chickens, Roosters, birds, peacocks, children...all running wild. My mom and dad both went to the head count was 4 adults, and 5 children...but with the way they were running around it was more like 4 adults and 37 children. They loved it though. We hadnt been there before (I had, but that was many many moons ago). They got such a kick out of the chickens, roosters, and the other chickens (aka pigeons) running around wild on the ground and eating the treats they gave them. We saw ostriches (one took a fancy to Parker, and I was sure he was going to be a snack). They were neat. They had 4 very large eggs in their nest. Then we saw a chimpanzee, but he was too good for us and wouldnt look our way at all..he had his back to us the whole time. We saw the world's fastest moving tortise. It was having a nice peaceful day in the sun until the kids got up close to it and then it high tailed it into its little habitat. I didnt realize they could run so fast. Learn something new everyday, I guess. We saw tons and tons of baby chicks running all around free, and Molly kept trying to pick one up and put it in the diaper bag...thats all I need...more poop to clean up. The tiger was super chatty today and was moaning like crazy, which apparently is her way of talking. I felt bad though...such a big cat and such a small cage. She was pacing back and forth, and I just wanted to get her and put her in the back of the van...but then I figured I probably couldnt show up at Petsmart with her looking for a litterbox and a collar for her. We also saw Wallabys and the kids thought they were kangaroos, so they were jumping around like kangaroos...There were a ton of different kinds of birds..the neatest one was the raven that would talk to you. Then we let the goats in the petting zoo to pet the kids...oops, wait, that's the other way around, right? The kids all thought that was hysterical...thank goodness no one from PETA was there..they would have curled up and died. Fun was had by all, but the zoo workers were oh so happy to see us go. We took pictures, but they are on my dad's camera, so I will have to share them later.

Molly's "Surgery"

I know I told a few people about Molly's "Surgery", but for those that didnt know, she had it yesterday. It wasnt anything major at all. She had to have 8 cavities filled. Now, for the typical child they would do it under laughing gas and novocaine in the dentist office, but of course, since she is my child she couldnt be typical. :) We tried the laughing gas route, and she almost had a small stroke. She flipped. I had claw marks to prove it. The dentist told me that our only other option was general anesthesia in the OR. This opened a whole can of worms. For those, that dont know, Molly has epilepsy. And, of course, its not your run of the mill epilepsy, she has a not so common type called Complex Partial Epilepsy. So, basically, we had to consult about 134,658,762 doctors about this simple simple procedure (basically, this happens weekly..I have to just about contact everyone and their brother when I need to give her tylenol...god forbid she were actually really sick). And, of course, no one has a clear cut answer on how, when, or where to handle things. I ended up having to take her to another dentist that specializes in children that operates in the hospital setting and his office might as well be on the other end of the earth (he is in Green Valley). Normally, they would just take care of this in a surgery center setting. But, no...not my girl. It was decided by her neurologist, that the safest place for her would be Sunrise Hospital because the probablity of her having a seizure when coming out of the anesthesia was pretty significant. When someone is put under it is impossible for them to have a seizure then because they are paralyzed all over, so it stops all seizure activity...and when they wake, the brain activity is at a high point, thus causing a higher chance of having a seizure. So after many days of going back and forth with the peed, the neurologist, the dentist, the anesthesiologist, and the janitor we came to the conclusion that we wouldn't medicate her before the surgery (morning of). Now, this was quite scary to me. LONG LONG story and one almost heart attack on my part short, the surgery took an hour and a half. It went super well except for when she came out...she got really pukey and ended up having a seizure, but everyone was prepared and they gave her IV anti-seizure drugs and all was well. She was pretty dopey yesterday, not so much from the anesthesia, but from the IV anti-seizure drugs. They are pretty potent. Today, she is pretty much back to normal...still taking it easy, more from a neurological stand point than anything...but all is well....

Wow, I didnt realize I got so long winded....oh well.

Go Me!!!

So, for anyone that knows me any kind of well...they would know that I have been dying for an iPod for like ever now. I just could NEVER EVER imagine spending $250 on myself like that. It wasnt a necessity, just something I wanted for me. Also, anyone that knows me any kind of well...they also know that I am super selfless when it comes to my kids. Probably safe to say that I am to selfless, if one can be that way. My kids get anything and everything they could want and need and then some. But an angel knew how good I have been, and my Mother's Day came a little early this year. Yesterday, my mom, my hubby, and my kids gave me an iPod. Needless, to say, I am over the moon. I feel all trendy now. Like I am part of the 21st century. Then today, I decided that I was tired of wearing the same clothes that dont fit (I have lost like 40+ lbs. in the past 14months or so...). So, I went over to Ross and bought myself 2 new super cute shirts and then I went to Target and proceeded to buy myself 2 pairs of the cutest shorts to go with my super cute shirts. I spent like $80 on just me...and that's a HUGE HUGE deal because I usually feel guilty if I buy myself a $5 book or a $8 shirt. I didnt feel guilty today...guess, I just needed to give myself a little TLC... Now, all I need is a hair cut, a pedicure and a maincure, and I will be a whole new woman!!!! LOL!! Anyways, just wanted to share. :)

Thursday, March 8, 2007

We made it!

Ok, so I survived the move. The kids survived the move, & Greg seems to have made it too! While my house is still in box heaven...we are here and have a good share of the house done. All the kids bedrooms are done and decorated (that was my priority above all else...establishing normalcy), my office is done, the toy room & living room are done too. I have already held a welcome/birthday party here! Anthony's 5th birthday was last Friday and so I had family and a couple of friends by. It was a nice time. Nothing too & cake. I must tell you, I dont know what I have done all this time without all the new room I have. Our old house was like barely 1600 sq.ft and this one is like 2000 sq.ft and I enjoy it. I know Molly has enjoyed it too. She FINALLY has her own big girl room. Speaking of her, I am concerned about my Lou Lou Melon...I will have to make a seperate post about it. Anyways, in the last 24 hours the toothfairy has had to make 2 stops at my house. Molly lost her second tooth last night and at lunch today Anthony lost his first tooth. Thing with that is that I didnt even know he had a loose tooth. He never told anyone!! And, I think, because he is delayed and not quite mature enough to understand...he swallowed his first tooth! I guess, I will just have to save the 2nd one that falls out because I am not fishing teeth out of the toilet! Anyways, snack I must run. :)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Playdoh Fun!!

Random pic of playdoh time the other day. They just LOVE playdoh! I think this is their #1 favorite playtime. :) They all play so well and politely. The minute it's gone, its back to slugfest 2007. :)

Friday, February 16, 2007


We are moving to the new house in 2 weeks. During the next 2 weeks I need there to be 37 hours in a day & 9 days in the week. Does anyone know where I can get more time?

New Shoes..

Today, I took the boys to get new shoes. It was an adventure to say the least. Then again going anywhere with 3- 3.5 year olds is an adventure anymore. I think I realized that they arent babies anymore. And that is way bittersweet for me. I mean, I want them to grow up and be indviduals, but at the same time I want them to be my little bundles of love forever. We get to the shoe store today and they each informed me that they wanted to "pick them out". Meaning they wanted to pick out what new sneakers they got. I figured they would all have to get the same pair since they have always had the same shoes, but I was wrong. Their little personalities came out and each picked out a different set of shoes. Davis had to have the Cars sneakers, Evan had to have the Incredibles sneakers, & Parker had to have Spiderman ones. In a way each of them picked out sneakers that are perfectly suited for them. Davis is a leader, an independent sole who thinks he knows it all...very similar to the Lightening McQueen character on his shoes. little Dubbie....he thinks he is invinsible...a superhero in his own right. Parker is a reserved child, not overly personable, but just enough....but when push comes to shove he is the knight in shining armor (so to speak) saving everyone from all that is bad. I guess its just hard for me to see them grow up.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Movin' on up!!

Well, we FINALLY found a house that Greg and I both liked. Only took like what...2 or 3 years...LOL. If all goes about 4-6 weeks we will be in it! :) I am SOOOOOOO excited more room for the kids and best part is...the park is literally across the street! WOOHOO! :)

I went out and window shopped for furniture. :) I have a few more rooms at the new house that need furniture :)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Well, it's about time...

I guess there is no better time than the present to start a blog. Of course, this will probably become more like a novel than anything. But, none the less, here I am. :) More to come....