Tuesday, April 3, 2007

I know where milk comes from, Mommy!

Yesterday, Davis, Parker, Evan, & I were driving home from the carwash. We were discussing what we were going to do this week since its just the 4 of us during the day (Anthony went to see his grandparents in CA and Molly is in Spring Camp.). I told them that on Thursday we are going to the dairy to see where milk comes from and how it gets to our house. Evan, who mind you has mild cerebal palsy and is delayed, blurts out that he knows where milk comes from. He said to me, "Mommy, I know where to get milk from the cow. You get the bucket, and I get the milk from the cow's peepee's!" OMG!!!! I died laughing....it was hysterical. He was so serious about it. Guess, he is in for a rude awakening on Thursday. Here is a cute pic of him from last week. :)

P.S. If any of you want to go to the dairy with us..email me at byondblsd@yahoo.com The tour is scheduled for Thursday, April 5 @2:15pm at Anderson Dairy. It was the only available time.

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